Brazilian professional football player Roberto Firmino Barbosa de Oliveira plays attacking football for Liverpool FC of the Premier League and the Brazilian national team. He has scored 152 goals till now in 494 appearances for club and country and has also won the Premier League title 2020 and the 2019 Champions League Trophy with Liverpool FC. Some of the most incredible tattoos in the football world are all over Roberto’s body. Let’s examine his tattoos and the significance behind them.
Back Tattoos
1. Winner Tattoo
Inking: The phrase “Winners never quit” is inked on the back of his neck.
Meaning: He received this encouraging tattoo.
2. Symbol Tattoo
Tattoo: The backside of his neck contains a symbol tattooed on it inspired by the fleur-de-lis design. Below the symbol are the words, “Deixe sua luz Brilhar” tattooed.
Meaning: The words tattooed are in Portuguese that translate to, “Let your light shine” which is another one of his inspirational tattoos.
3. ‘Wings’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The football player has a big tattoo on his upper back that features a star with two wings that stretch across his back.
Meaning: The star and wings are a popular tattoo motif that symbolizes losing a loved one to war.
4. ‘Family’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right side of the middle part of Firmino’s back contains a tattoo of a portrait of all the members of his family. The middle of his back contains the words, “Mas os que esperam no Senhor renovarão as forças, subirão com asas como águias; correrão, e não se cansarão; caminharão, e não se fatigarão.” tattooed on it.
Meaning: The tattoo represents the love that he has for his family. There are many more tattoos of his family members on his body as you will soon find out. The words on his back are from isaías 40:31 and are in Portuguese. The words translate to, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, will ascend with wings like eagles; they will run and not tire; they will walk, and they will not weary.”
5. ‘Trophy’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right side of his back, right next to the Bible verse contains a tattoo of himself, lifting a trophy.
Meaning: The tattoo is a tribute tattoo to his accomplishment and that of his club when Liverpool FC won their 6th ever Champion’s League Trophy in 2019, becoming the champions of Europe.
6. ‘Beach’ Tattoo
Tattoo: A picture of Firmino sitting on a chair and a beach with tall palm trees is inked on the bottom portion of his back.
Significance: Roberto got this tattoo to convey the idea that having fun is just as vital as working hard. In the tattoo, he is shown relaxing on the sand following his Champion’s League Trophy victory.
7. Words Tattoo
Tattoo: The left side of his neck contains a tattoo of the words, “Omnia Vincit Amor” tattooed on it.
Meaning: The words are tattooed in Latin language and translate to, “Love Conquers All”
8. ‘Deus’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The word “Deus” is inked beneath a crown that is inked on the right side of his neck.
Meaning: This tattoo alludes to his belief in the justice, majesty, and accountability of God. God is also known by the term deus.
9. Chest Tattoo
Tattoo: The words “O ΘΕΟΣ ٕٙ؝ؑΙ ٝٙΣΧΎΣ” are inked over the upper portion of his breast. On his chest, he also has a tattoo of his name, Valentina Firmino, with a diamond tattoo over the letter “o” and a queen’s crown over the letter “V.”
Meaning: The Greek words that read “God is faithful” are written on the upper portion of his chest. His daughter, whom he loved dearly, is named on his chest.
10. ‘Blessed’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The word, “Blessed” is tattooed across Firmino’s chest.
Meaning: He got this tattoo as he feels truly blessed for everything that he has achieved in his life and especially his family.
11. Name Tattoo
Tattoo: The right shoulder of the footballer contains the name, “Bella” tattooed on it and his left one contains the name, “Firmino” tattooed on it.
Meaning: The tattoo represents the name of his other child, Bella Firmino.
12. Side Tattoo
Tattoo: The left side of Firmino’s body also contains a few words tattooed on it.
13. Woman Tattoo
Tattoo: The upper right arm of the footballer contains a tattoo of the face of a woman tattooed on it. The background of the tattoo contains a few scrolls tattooed on it along with rose flowers and red stars that reach up to his forearm too.
Meaning: The tattoo on his arm is a tattoo of his mother, Mariana Cícera Barbosa de Oliveira. Firmino is a family man and has a lot of tattoos of his family members on his body, just like this one.
14. ‘Man’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The upper side of Firmino’s right forearm contains a tattoo of the face of a man on it. The same red stars as the rest of his arm are also tattooed right next to the man,
Meaning: The man in the tattoo is yet another family member. The tattoo is of his father, José Roberto Cordeiro, whom he loves a lot.
15. ‘Peace’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The upper side of his right wrist contains a tattoo of the Peace symbol on it with rays of shine coming from it.
16. ‘Rose’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The upper part of his right hand is covered in a large tattoo of a rose flower on it along with the words, “2 Octubre” on it.
Meaning: The rose along with the words in Spanish represents the date of birth of the footballer himself, 2 October.
17. ‘Number’ Tattoo
Tattoo: Each of the fingers of his right hand contains a tattoo of a number. Starting from his pinkie and moving towards his index finger, the numbers are, “1, 9, 9, and 1”
Meaning: The number formed on his finger is 1991 that represents his year of birth. The tattoo goes along with the rose tattoo on his hand that contains his date and month of birth.
18. ‘Finger’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The upper parts of his right hand’s fingers also contains numbers on it that form, 2014.
Meaning: The tattoo is an important one for him as it is the year when he finally got called to represent the Brazillian National Team which was one of his childhood dreams.
19. Quote Tattoo
Tattoo: The inner side of his right forearm contains a tattoo of some words on it, in the German language.
Meaning: The german words on his forearm go well with his theme of the family on his right arm as they translate to, “Family’s unending Love”
20. ‘Leaf’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The backside of his right arm contains a tattoo of a four-leafed clover on it.
Meaning: Firmino got the tattoo of the leaf on his body as it is a symbol of luck.
21. Portrait Tattoo
Tattoo: The upper left arm of the footballer contains another large family member tattooed on it. There is a tattoo of a woman’s face on it along with colourful highlights there. There is also a tattoo of a rose flower below it and the word, “LOVE” tattooed below the portrait in red ink.
Meaning: This is also an important tattoo for him as it is a portrait of his wife, Larissa Pereira. They both got married in 2017 and are parents to two beautiful daughters, Bella and Valentina.
22. ‘Stars’ Tattoo
Tattoo: There are blank stars tattooed on his left arm here and there. One large one is tattooed right on his elbow.
Meaning: Tattoos are usually done as they have meaning but this is not always the case. Just like here. Roberto, while talking about his tattoos said that the ones on his left forearm are just random ones that he liked and got tattooed on his body.
23. ‘Anchor, Rose, and Star’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The inner side of his left wrist contains a tattoo of a black and white star on it. Above the tattoo is one of a rose flower with petals, a treble clef. There is also an anchor tattooed above all these tattoos.
Meaning: These are also random designs that he got on his body and bear no special meaning for Firmino. However, he did mention that he plans to fill out his left sleeve with tattoos and they would be meaningful.
24. Cards and Kiss Tattoo
Tattoo: The side of Roberto’s left wrist contains a tattoo of four playing cards on it, each showing the sign of a deck out of four. There is also a kiss mark, tattooed above the playing cards in red ink.
25. ‘Life’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The fingers of his left hand are covered in tattoos too. Each of his fingers contains letters tattooed on both the upper and lower part of it that together form the sentence, “CODE life”
26. ‘Donald Duck’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The left calf of the footballer contains a tattoo of the famous Donald Duck tattooed on it.
Meaning: Donald Duck is one of the favorite characters of his daughters which led him to get it tattooed on his body.
27. ‘Lion’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The inner side of his right lower leg contains a tattoo of the face of a lion on it.
Meaning: The footballer got the tattoo of the lion on his body as it is a symbol of strength and pride.
28. ‘Roses’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The front of his right leg, below his knee, right next to the lion, contains a cluster of roses tattooed on it.
29. ‘Faces’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The outer side of his right lower leg contains a tattoo of two babyfaces on it. The faces only contain facial features but not an outline.
Meaning: The faces tattooed on his leg are the faces of his beloved daughters, Bella and Valentina.
30. Cross Tattoo
Ink: Firmino’s right calf bears a crucifix with the word “BLESSED” inscribed underneath. Beside it is another tattoo of a dove bird with lines created to simulate light behind it.
Meaning: This tattoo symbolizes the football player’s religious beliefs, his faith, and his sense of blessing that comes from knowing that God is looking out for him and his family.
Roberto’s thigh also bears a tattoo, albeit it has never been completely exposed. His videos contain snippets of it.