PHOTO GALLERY: Extremely cute and lovely family of super player LAFC

The case of Mexican left winger Hirving Chucky Lozano is one of the players that has attracted the most attention from the MLS in recent months. This is due to the fact that the recent championship that the Napoli team has won has drawn the attention of many clubs so that leaves the Italian squad and can play football in other parts of the world, as he has been doing for many years.


And if it is true that people in the beginning thought that Hirving Lozano would be the next Mexican jewel in world football, then in reality, with the passage of time, his level has dropped to the point that he is no longer even a starting player at Napoli. Instead, he is only summarized as a footballer who has store to play in the second half of games to be able to finish the majority of these based on pure speed.


That does not change the fact that he is still a young player and that he can continue to come to the European continent. Not for nothing had he received offers from the Premier League, as is the case with Everton, and Napoli may continue to have a chance to keep him despite the fact that one of the other teams is interested. What else has been pressing on the Mexican for a significant amount of time, as is the case with Major League Soccer’s LAFC, because they are determined to acquire the Mexican no matter what it takes.


And this is largely due to the fact that the Los Angeles team wants to convert directly with Inter Miami because of the fact that they have recently signed the Argentine attacking midfielder Lionel Messi. In order to be able to have a player with similar characteristics within the field of game, they have gone for a signing quite a lot as is the case with Lozano, and it appears that Napoli would like this offer very much.


The proposal made by LAFC


And it is that, according to a variety of Italian media outlets, one of the offers that the Napoli team could accept is only that of 20 million dollars. This is an issue that LAFC has not been able to match because they are only willing to drop 10 million dollars despite the fact that the price is double. In that sense, it is better for them to pay the price in full because in the event that Napoli does not renew, the player could arrive in the United States for free if they do not pay the price.

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