Luka Modrić participates in charity tennis tournament in his hometown Croatia ️

The Marin ‘ili’ Foundation’s third installment of the charitable and athletic extravaganza Gem Set Croatia took place in Zadar.

Tennis matches were played today at Vinjik in Zadar by the best of Croatian sport, all in the name of charity.






Respectable figures from a variety of sports were brought to Zadar, the city of basketball, by Marin “ili” and his foundation, who pleased the crowded stands with their moves.

Along with “ili,” the following individuals also attended the performance: Eduardo da Silva, Valent Sinkovi, Ivica Zubac, Dario “ari,” Matea Jeli, Valentina Mrnjavi Pereglin, Filip Zubci, Andrej Gaina, Andrija Stipanovi, Ante “i,” Zoran Planini, Danijel Subai, Manuel “trlek,” Anelo Kvesi, Doris Bai




The game was briefly paused to award Luka Suba with a golden log while his former colleague from the national team, retired Croatian goalie Danijel Subai, was on the pitch.

“At least something golden,” a jovial Subasic remarked.

The funds raised from this campaign will be used to build a sports field in Stankovci.

Marin Ili said, “They conduct physical education in the school hallway because they have no other place to go.”




Ivan Ljubii recently arrived in Zadar after returning from Wimbledon:

“I’m really happy that a foundation like this has continuity. The first year is the easiest since everyone is excited, but starting a tradition takes work, and Marin was successful in doing that. – shares his thoughts.

“When I founded the Foundation, I wantҽd to create a structure that functions consistently, to make it feel something traditional, and to assist the community year after year. I didn’t anticipate it to develop in this way or for such a lovely story to reach such heights. Top class, in any scenario,” declared Marin Cilic.

“The first two events took place in Alata and Petrinja, both of which were extremely emotional. There were four playgrounds created, and it was pretty wonderful.


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