Luxury yacht
In 2012, while still representing Santos, Neymar spent roughly $8 million on a pre-owned yacht.
According to reports, the yacht is an Azimut 78-style boat with the name Ndine after his mother. The 25-meter-long yacht has three or four suites, as well as at least one living room. It features rich furnishings and plush sofas for a truly extravagant boating experience on the water, exactly as Neymar would enjoy.


Frobes stated when he bought the yacht that it would lose value at a rate of 5–10% and would require annual maintenance costs of USD 120,000.
When, four years later, a Brazilian court ordered the seizure of about USD 42 million of his assets, including his yacht and private plane, in a tax evasion case, some reports said that the vessel’s value was roughly USD 4 million.
Private jеt

They came perilously near to danger when the plane carrying Néymar, his girlfriend Bruno Biancardi, and his sister Rafaellá Santos had to make an emergency landing in the Brazilian city of Boa Vista. According to a statement from the football player’s agency, the incident caused a “small problem in the windshield wiper” to arise in the plane.
His company, Neymar Sport E Marketing, owns the CESSNA Citation Sоvereign (Model 680), which is worth approximately USD 17.5 million. According to certain reports, the private plane was bought in 2016.

The Brazilian football player reportedly also owned a Phenom 100 aircraft made by Brazilian company Embraer. In June 2015, Néymar also shared a picture of himself sitting on a bench. His initials “NJR” are visible on the tail of the six-seater small business aircraft in the shot. The word “Power” was also raised in relief on the torso.
It is unknown what happened to the airplane, which was one of the assets the court had ordered seized in connection with the tax evasion case. It is said that this piece of art cost roughly $4 million USD.
Airbus h145

Neymar owns a jet of his own, as well as an Airbus h145 helicopter that he specially modified to resemble one of the several vehicles that Batman has been depicted using in comic books, animated shows, and movies. The Batcopter is the name of this helicopter.
Néymar is reportedly known to be a huge DC Comics enthusiast, according to The Daily Mirror. In other instances, he has specifically dressed like the Dark Knight. According to numerous rumors, Meredes-Benz was in charge of designing the interior of Neymar’s Airbus h145.
It’s noteworthy that in 2015 Airbus and Mercedes-Benz jointly introduced a deluxe VIP version of the airplane for upscale private and commercial operations.

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