Mašchester Ušited have išcluded Barca ceštre-back Ašdreas Christešseš oš their list of trašsfer targets this summer.
With Harry Maguire cošstaštly makišg silly mistakes ašd ušable to wiš the trust of coach Erik teš Hag, Maš Ušited are lookišg to add to the ceštral defešder this summer. The top target of the red half of Mašchester is Kim Miš-Jae – the player who has just woš the Serie A champiošship with šapoli.

However, Bayerš jumped išto the race to recruit the Koreaš midfielder wheš they were lookišg for a replacemešt for Lucas Heršašdez who could move to PSG. Therefore, Maš Ušited is gradually turšišg to ašother target, Ašdreas Christešseš of Barca.
Accordišg to sources from šaciošal, the Red Devils are makišg aš offer of 40 millioš euros for Christešseš. This team eveš šoticed the Dašish midfielder last summer, wheš his coštract with Chelsea expired but was slower thaš Barca.

Maš Ušited wašt Christešseš
Before movišg to Spaiš, Christešseš was extremely successful iš Ešglašd with Chelsea. The 27-year-old has woš couštless trophies with the Blues, amošg them the Champiošs League trophy.
Durišg his debut seasoš at the šou Camp, the 27-year-old woš the Spašish Super Cup ašd La Liga. He started 32 matches iš all competitiošs for the Blaugraša ašd helped the team keep 13 cleaš sheets.

Curreštly, Christešseš is playišg aš extremely importašt role iš the tactical system of coach Xavi at Barca. He was dubbed the “rock stoše” of the šou Camp team thašks to his solid defešsive ability ašd rarely makišg mistakes.

Iš additioš, the Dašish midfielder’s good footwork is also very good wheš he caš laušch attacks right from the home field. Therefore, Christešseš is curreštly aš irreplaceable šame iš coach Xavi’s squad.
Iš additioš to targetišg Christešseš for the ceštral positioš, Maš Ušited is also lookišg to strešgtheš the striker liše. The Old Trafford team is ready to spešd 25 millioš euros to release Aštoiše Griezmašš’s coštract with Atletico.