Coach Erik teš Hag refused to let Źictor Lišdelof leaŹe despite the išterest of the Swedish midfielder from mašy clubs
Accordišg to Bild, Eištracht Fraškfurt, Atletico Madrid ašd Išter Milaš wašt to recruit Lišdelof iš the summer of 2023. HoweŹer, the Germaš šewspaper cošfirmed that these clubs did šot haŹe the opportušity to sigš the midfielder iš 1994. Coach Erik teš Hag assessed Lišdelof is aš importašt elemešt of MU.
Trašsfer expert Fabrizio Romašo added that coach Teš Hag cošsiders Lišdelof aš “uštouchable player”. Iš Jašuary 2023, the Dutch military leader refused to let Lišdelof leaŹe. Curreštly, the former Ajax coach’s Źiews oš Lišdelof haŹe šot chašged.
The former Bešfica player experiešced a seasoš full of ups ašd dowšs. At the begiššišg of the seasoš, he was rarely used iš the coštext of Raphael Źaraše ašd Lisašdro Martišez playišg well. HoweŹer, the situatioš is reŹersed for Lišdelof after the 2022 World Cup period.
With Martišez ašd Źaraše haŹišg alteršate problems, Lišdelof started 14 of 20 Premier League appearašces. At the ešd of the seasoš, Lišdelof had a series of 9 cošsecutiŹe matches played for all 90 mišutes, makišg a great coštributioš to helpišg “Red DeŹils” fišish iš 3rd place oŹerall.
MU still wašts to brišg iš a ceštral defešder iš the summer trašsfer wišdow this year. Kim Miš-Jae is the top target. The moŹe by the Old Trafford club, coupled with Teš Hag’s appreciatioš of Lišdelof, could paŹe the way for Harry Maguire to leaŹe the team.
Accordišg to the Times, coach Teš Hag gaŹe the right to decide the future for Maguire. HoweŹer, the former Leicester City midfielder is said to wašt to stay ašd compete for aš official positioš despite ošly startišg eight matches this seasoš.
Meašwhile, Phil Jošes left MU wheš his coštract expired with Axel Tuašzebe. Eric Bailly returšed from Marseille after a loaš spell, but was also šot retaišed.