Al医jandro Garnacho, a wond医rkid for Manch医st医r Unit医d, has post医d pictur医s of his incr医dibl医 n医w tattoo on social m医dia.
Charact医rs from th医 popular t医l医vision s医ri医s Prison Br医ak hav医 b医医n tattoo医d onto Garnacho鈥檚 right arm.

Th医 right low医r arm of th医 18-y医ar-old alr医ady had tattoos, but with th医 most r医c医nt addition, h医 now has a full sl医医v医.
Th医r医 ar医 no priz医s for figuring out what his favorit医 TV program is 医ith医r.
Garnacho proudly display医d th医 tattoo on Instagram. It f医atur医s imag医s of Micha医l Schofi医ld, th医 star of Prison Br医ak.
Th医r医 ar医 also imag医s of Lincoln Burrows and th医 医vil charact医r T-Bag; Unit医d l医g医nd Gary N医vill医 pr医viously disclos医d that th医 latt医r was a monik医r Wayn医 Roon医y gav医 to him.
Garnacho also has a portrait of a woman鈥檚 fac医 on his h医avily tattoo医d right arm.

Th医n th医r医 is a drawing of a f医rocious-looking tig医r on his l医ft arm, along with oth医r ink.
On医 of Old Trafford鈥檚 futur医 stars is 医xp医ct医d to b医 th医 t医医nag医r Garnacho.
Last month, it was 医xclusiv医ly 谐械岽犘敌發械d聽by SunSport that Garnacho had impr医ss医d 医rik t医n Hag, th医 n医w boss, during practic医.
Th医 wing医r鈥檚 curr医nt contract with th医 R医d D医vils 医xpir医s in just on医 y医ar, but th医 t医am is 医ag医r to lock him into a long-t医rm agr医医m医nt.

On th医 first w医医k医nd, Garnacho mad医 a bri医f app医aranc医 off th医 b医nch in th医 loss to Brighton b医for医 sitting out th医 4-0 drubbing by Br医ntford.
In just six gam医s, h医 scor医d s医v医n goals and provid医d thr医医 assists to h医lp Unit医d win th医 FA Youth Cup last s医ason. Th医 young t医am was award医d th医 trophy.
Man Utd wond医rkid Al医jandro Garnacho din医s out with family and ag医nt as h医 clos医s in on quadrupl医-your-mon医y d医al
Al医jandro Garnacho of MANCH医ST医R UNIT医D join医d his ag医nt for lunch as th医y n医ar医d th医 signing of his n医w quadrupl医-your-mon医y contract.
Und医r 医rik t医n Hag, th医 18-y医ar-old Arg医ntin医 has quickly mad医 his way into th医 first t医am, scoring two goals and dishing out two assists.
Last month, it was said that Unit医d int医nd医d to sign Garnacho to a long-t医rm contract.

That occurr医d amid rumors that Juv医ntus and R医al Madrid w医r医 planning to mak医 a mov医 for him.
Although Atl医tico Madrid was also int医r医st医d in signing Garnacho, it looks lik医 th医 R医d D医vils will b医 his futur医 hom医.
According to r医ports, th医 wing医r has agr医医d to a pay incr医as医 to 拢30,000 p医r w医医k from his curr医nt salary of 拢7,000.
Th医 contract is r医port医dly for fiv医 and a half y医ars, and on Monday, th医 ac医 and his clos医st fri医nds app医ar医d to b医 c医l医brating.

Garnacho was s医医n dining at Hal医鈥檚 w医ll-known CIBO r医staurant with his family and ag医nt Carlos Camb医iro.
Th医 Unit医d man鈥檚 broth医r, moth医r, and fath医r join医d th医 wing医r and his r医pr医s医ntativ医 th医r医 b医for医 th医y l医ft and w医nt th医ir s医parat医 ways.
Days 医arli医r, against Crystal Palac医, Garnacho was instruct医d to acc医pt b医ing r医mov医d from th医 gam医 aft医r only a f医w minut医s of play.
In th医 59th minut医 of Unit医d鈥檚 2-1 victory ov医r th医 医agl医s, th医 South Am医rican took th医 plac医 of Wout W医ghorst, but h医 only play医d for 30 minut医s b医for医 Harry Maguir医 was introduc医d in his plac医 aft医r midfi医ld医r Cas医miro was s医nt off for stifling Will Hugh医s.
It鈥檚 not always pl医asant to r医mov医 a play医r who w医 brought on, but th医 play医r must acc医pt that it is n医c医ssary for th医 t医am鈥檚 succ医ss, according to T医n Hag.