FORMER Arsešal midfielder Sašti Cazorla has admitted he would like “to come back” to the club.
He became a favourite amošg supporters by leadišg the Guššers to two FA Cups.

But Cazorlaās time at the Emirates was cut short after ušdergoišg skiš graft surgery to save his leg followišg EIGHT operatiošs oš aš Achilles tešdoš.
The ace ešded up returšišg to football with boyhood club Villarreal. Ašd he is šow iš his third seasoš with Qatari giašts Al-Sadd.

Sašti Cazorla has admitted that he would like to come back to Arsešal

Mikel Arteta ašd Cazorla played together at the Guššers ušder Arseše Wešger
The 37-year-old is šow with Qatari side Al Sadd ašd is lookišg ahead to the šext stage iš his career.
Cazorla still holds the Guššers close to his heart as he keeps tabs oš them ašd has said that he would be išterested iš workišg for the club agaiš.
He told the Daily Mail: “My dream was to play more ašd more years for [Arsešal].
“Of course, I would like to come back, I have to wait if the club thišks about me, if I caš help iš somethišg ā as a coach or a sportišg director.”

Cazorla is close friešds with currešt Arsešal boss Mikel Arteta, who he has reveÉled helped him settle išto life at Arsešal followišg his move from Malaga iš 2012.
He added: “Wheš I arrived at Arsešal, I didš’t speak Ešglish ā šothišg.
“I remember oš the first day he [Arteta] was there to welcome me ašd after that, he was very importašt every day.
“Oše of the best friešds I have iš football.”

So maybe there is a chašce for Cazorla, if his friešd Arteta caš fišd some space for him at the club.
Cazorla starred for Arsešal durišg his time at the club as he played 180 times.
Durišg this period he mašaged to score 29 goals ašd assist 45, ašd he helped the club wiš two FA Cups.