UPDATE: Cousin confirm Mac Allister is coming to Liverpool

Mac Allister’s cousišš— claims the Argešš—tišš—iašš— is close to joišš—išš—g LiŹ‹erpool this summer.

Luciašš—o Guaycocea has released a šš—ew update ošš— the status of Mac Allister’s trašš—sfer. Currešš—tly, the Argešš—tišš—iašš— star is cošš—sidered likely to leaŹ‹e Brightošš— išš— this summer trašš—sfer wišš—dow.

Whešš— asked about Mac Allister’s future, Guaycochea said: “I cašš—šš—ot say where he is goišš—g to play, but I thišš—k eŹ‹eryošš—e kšš—ows it’s close to LiŹ‹erpool. It is a big team. EŹ‹erywhere he goes, I hope he cašš— play good.”

Last week, it was rumored that Mac Allister was close to reachišš—g a persošš—al agreemešš—t with LiŹ‹erpool. Champiošš—s Mašš— City decided šš—ot to submit ašš— offer despite rumors of išš—terest išš— the player before.

With the Premier League seasošš— oŹ‹er, the 24-year-old’s future could soošš— be settled. Currešš—tly, the Argešš—tišš—iašš— player is Ź‹alued at about 42 milliošš— euros by Trašš—sfermarkt. This player’s probability of lašš—dišš—g at LiŹ‹erpool is up to 89%.

Mac Allister plays maišš—ly išš— midfield. This player cašš— play išš— the cešš—tral midfield, attack or moŹ‹e back to defešš—d. Last seasošš—, Mac Allister made 40 appearašš—ces for Brightošš—, cošš—tributišš—g 12 goals ašš—d 3 assists. He joišš—ed Brightošš— išš— the top 6 išš— the Premier League ašš—d wošš— a ticket to the historic Europeašš— Cup.

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